With experiences ranging from teaching in a classroom to administrating school programs

… we offer a variety of services to support and create hands-on learning opportunities in all of your spaces, with or without machines.

We will work with your start-up team to field initial questions, brainstorm and design best use of space and a location conducive to carrying out  STEM projects and collaborative digital fabrication access to maximize the use of the lab in the school, building, district and community. This would include the sharing of project ideas to support funding requests and grant opportunities
STEM | FabLab Visits – With contacts at several labs across the county and state, we offer visits to school based FABLABs and other Maker like spaces that connect education to using machines to explore digital fabrication opportunities.

Working with the school based team to design and setup the lab for optimal use including:

  • Equipment procurement – ensuring purchase of recommended FabLab based machines and tools as well as specific needs of the location. 
  • Safety,  electrical, and exhaust requirements 
  • Furniture, storage and design space
  • Software consultation, recommendation and installation
  • Signage, marketing materials, rules and safety postings
  • Website and documentation –  Google site setup for documentation,  posting projects, highlights, forms, schedules, tutorials and web-based resources 

We can support PBL unit development by working side by side with your teachers to integrate content across multiple subjects and  plan, prototype and /or facilitate the learning experiences. We can also provide your team with completed STEM | Lab standards based projects already developed and documented.  

Educator development opportunities around Project Based Learning (PBL), multi-disciplinary content integration, and STEM project unit designs. PD training services range from; whole staff development, STEM | LAB teacher /trainer, student groups and clubs, and community participants.  

PD Opportunities options: 

  • STEM | LAB  Boot Camp (1 week intensive training covering all machines) 
  • FAB Workshops (series of workshops after school, weekends)
  • FAB Nights (working after school or throughout the night)
  • PBL 101 – Project Based Learning
  • Assessment methods and project performance indicators (Mastery)
  • Ongoing teacher support and troubleshooting via web, phone, polycom